John Friedrich and daughter
John Friedrich and his daughter today.

John Friedrich’s career has always focused on social justice and environmental issues. But after the birth of his daughter, he became even more committed.

Friedrich: “Becoming a dad really deepened my connection at a personal heartfelt level to do everything I could to make the world a better, more peaceful, livable place for my new daughter.”

Friedrich believes parents are motivated in a way no one else is.

Friedrich: “Ultimately parents are woven throughout society. They’re not of one demographic and there’s nothing quite as powerful as the passion of a parent demanding that the decision makers do what’s in the best interest of our kids right now and in their future. If you could catalyze that feeling of love in the heart of parents and multiply that by parents everywhere, I just thought wow – what a powerful force.”

Now, Friedrich is the online campaign manager for the Sierra Club’s Climate Parents program. The group helps families support climate solutions.

For example, Friedrich says parents can help make sure their kids are being taught climate science, and encourage school districts to use clean energy.

Friedrich: “I just think it’s our responsibility as parents to do everything we can to leave the world in a better condition for our kids.”

Reporting credit: ChavoBart Digital Media.
Photo: Courtesy of John Friedrich.

Sara Peach is the editor-in-chief of Yale Climate Connections. She is an environmental journalist whose work has appeared in National Geographic, Scientific American, Environmental Health News, Grist,...