Republican image

Conservative Alex Bozmoski used to doubt the reality of global warming. But several years ago, in a college class, he learned the science behind climate change and became convinced that it is a real and serious threat. That got him thinking.

Bosmoski: “Why aren’t conservatives, who are supposed to be risk-averse, coming up with solutions to a really troubling set of risks that are facing us with climate change?”

He believes one reason is that conservatives associate climate action with government regulation, which they oppose.

Bozmoski: “There is a misconception among members of Congress that their conservative constituents don’t care about climate.”

To counter that myth, Bozmoski teamed up with former South Carolina congressman Bob Inglis to form “RepublicEn“. Almost five thousand people have joined the group since it was formed.

The organization advocates for free-market solutions to climate change. That includes ending fossil fuel subsidies and charging companies for the carbon pollution they emit. Bozmoski says these actions help level the playing field for renewables.

RepublicEn holds events in colleges and communities across the country, amplifying the voices of conservatives who advocate for climate solutions.

Reporting credit: Daisy Simmons/ChavoBart Digital Media
Image graphic: Created by David McCarthy.

Bruce Lieberman, a long-time journalist, has covered climate change science, policy, and politics for nearly two decades. A newspaper reporter for 20 years, Bruce worked for The San Diego Union-Tribune...